The word “Beinghood” was coined by Tahnee Woolf and Allen David Reed in 2012 to describe the ideology, stage, state, group, movement and phenomenon of the shift of consciousness taking place around the world at this time. See and in particular the “Proclamation of Beinghood”.
be·ing·hood [bee-ing-hood], [\ bē(-i)ŋ- hu d\]
1. Ideology:
The ideal of living in unity consciousness, coming from unconditional love, acting in full sovereignty on all levels, being fully self-responsible and self-aware, working with others in synarchy and collaboration for the highest good - individually and collectively. (see “Proclamation of Beinghood”).
enlightenment; field perception; gnosis; self-actualization; Self-realization; unity consciousness; universal awareness; 5th dimensional consciousness
Duality consciousness; separation consciousness; third dimensional consciousness
Example in a Sentence:
“Awakening to Beinghood is the core work of our time.”
“In the unity consciousness of Beinghood, each person knows there is only one of us here.”
“He demonstrated his choice of Beinghood by showing himself to be in service to the whole.”
“He can see the oneness of Beinghood beyond the duality of the matrix.”
Related Phrases:
Awakening to Beinghood; choosing Beinghood; coming into Beinghood; living in Beinghood; stepping into Beinghood; the Beinghood Movement; the Beinghood phenomenon
2. State of Being:
The condition or quality of living in unity consciousness and unconditional love, in full sovereignty, self-responsibility and self-awareness, working with others in synarchy and collaboration for the highest good - individually and collectively.
Awareness based living; conscious living; enlightened living; free thinker; Gnosticism; heart-based living; holistic living; infinite awareness; living from love; love based living; 5th dimensional living
Conditioned; enslaved; fear based; limiting beliefs; living from fear; living in the matrix; trapped in the matrix; 3rd dimensional living
Example in a Sentence:
“He is living in his Beinghood.”
“When she is giving her gift, she is acting from her Beinghood.”
“His holistic live food lifestyle reflected a high level of Beinghood.”
“The love that comes from her eyes shows off her Beinghood.”
“Every day, I choose to live my life in the state of Beinghood.”
“Sometimes I fall out of Beinghood, and then I center myself to neutral and bring myself back into Beinghood.”
Related Phrases:
Being in your Beinghood; live the Beinghood lifestyle; the way of Beinghood
3. Stage of Development / Stage of Evolution:
(a) Individual Stage of Beinghood -
The developmental stage that is the consequence of a person having awoken to unity consciousness. A shift in perception from ground (matter) focus to field (void) focus. Consists of a choice for freedom and sovereignty, an awareness of being indivisibly One with all that is, a realization of the illusion of separation, a discovering of the truth beyond the matrix, a valuing of unconditional love, a prioritizing of self-awareness, a knowing that one is fully self responsible for one's own world and a proactive creation of synarchy and thrival in place of living by hierarchy, reaction and survival.
Awakened; enlightenment; self-actualization; Self-realization; Sovereign, taking full self-responsibility
Denial; the realm of duality; ignorance; maya; the realm of “3D”; third dimensional” consciousness, victim
Example in a Sentence:
“She woke up to the truth and stepped into her Beinghood.”
“After having a near death experience, he moved into his Beinghood.”
“Her choice for love in the moment really demonstrated she had fully matured into her Beinghood.”
“Beinghood follows egohood and victimhood, like adulthood follows childhood.”
"They were a group of people all in their Beinghood."
Related Phrases:
Awaking to one’s Beinghood; coming into one's Beinghood; stepping into your Beinghood; the individual stage of Beinghood
(b) Collective Stage of Beinghood -
The evolutionary stage after a critical mass of human beings have shifted their individual perception from ground-matter focus to field-void focus and collectively awoken to unity consciousness as a whole. At this stage of Beinghood, human society is now operating from co-creation, collaboration, co-operation, harmony, interdependence, pooling resources, stewardship with life, synarchy, unconditional love and unity consciousness.
sovereign society; the next stage of human evolution; the now age; the 5D era
consensus reality; conservativism, consumerism; cult of personality; modernism; technology age; traditionalism; 3rd dimensional reality
Example in a Sentence:
“We as a species are ready to move into our Beinghood.”
“Humanity is about to move into its Beinghood.”
“An enlightened society has entered the stage of Beinghood.”
“Imagine if New Yorkers all took the red pill and millions suddenly found themselves in the stage Beinghood, then New York would be in its Beinghood.”
Related Phrases:
Our collective Beinghood; the collective stage of Beinghood; the evolutionary stage of Beinghood
4. Group/Movement:
The community or network of people around the world who have all awoken into unity consciousness. It is a self-identified, organically forming, self-organizing group, based on principles of unity consciousness, unconditional love, sovereignty, self-responsibility, self-awareness and synarchy. It has momentum, is growing and is transforming the world by its very existence and the frequency that it is holding.
Core cultural creatives; the consciousness movement; the connection curve; the shift of the ages; the new energy
The mainstream; the default world; the dog eat dog world
Example in a Sentence:
“We are noticing a growing Beinghood of conscious awakened people.”
“The Beinghood are standing together in love.”
“The Beinghood practice conscious consumption.”
“The Beinghood are shifting the paradigm of reality.”
Related Phrases:
the Beinghood of Humanity; the Beinghood of Man; the Beinghood Movement; the Beinghood phenomenon; the Beinghood Shift
Word Etymology And History
1. the fact of existing; existence (as opposed to nonexistence).
2. conscious, mortal existence; life: Our being is as an instantaneous flash of light in the midst of eternal night.
3. substance or nature: of such a being as to arouse love.
4. something that exists: inanimate beings.
5. a living thing: strange, exotic beings that live in the depths of the sea.
6. a human being; person: the most beautiful being you could imagine.
7. ( initial capital letter ) [God][Being].
8. Philosophy .
a. absolute existence in a complete or perfect state, lacking no essential characteristic; essence.
1250–1300; Middle English; from be (q.v.) + -ing. Sense in human being is from 1751.
[hoo d]
A native English suffix denoting state, condition, character, nature, etc., or a body of persons of a particular character or class, formerly used in the formation of nouns childhood; likelihood; knighthood; priesthood, Beinghood.
Middle English -hode, -hod, Old English -hād (cognate with German -heit ), special use of hād condition, state, order, quality, rank
(Word Etymology And History based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2012.)
Copyright © 2012 by Tahnee Woolf & Allen David Reed
All rights reserved worldwide.
BEINGHOOD™ is a trademark and service mark of Society For Collective Awakening
and is protected under applicable U.S. and International laws.
be·ing·hood [bee-ing-hood], [\ bē(-i)ŋ- hu d\]
1. Ideology:
The ideal of living in unity consciousness, coming from unconditional love, acting in full sovereignty on all levels, being fully self-responsible and self-aware, working with others in synarchy and collaboration for the highest good - individually and collectively. (see “Proclamation of Beinghood”).
enlightenment; field perception; gnosis; self-actualization; Self-realization; unity consciousness; universal awareness; 5th dimensional consciousness
Duality consciousness; separation consciousness; third dimensional consciousness
Example in a Sentence:
“Awakening to Beinghood is the core work of our time.”
“In the unity consciousness of Beinghood, each person knows there is only one of us here.”
“He demonstrated his choice of Beinghood by showing himself to be in service to the whole.”
“He can see the oneness of Beinghood beyond the duality of the matrix.”
Related Phrases:
Awakening to Beinghood; choosing Beinghood; coming into Beinghood; living in Beinghood; stepping into Beinghood; the Beinghood Movement; the Beinghood phenomenon
2. State of Being:
The condition or quality of living in unity consciousness and unconditional love, in full sovereignty, self-responsibility and self-awareness, working with others in synarchy and collaboration for the highest good - individually and collectively.
Awareness based living; conscious living; enlightened living; free thinker; Gnosticism; heart-based living; holistic living; infinite awareness; living from love; love based living; 5th dimensional living
Conditioned; enslaved; fear based; limiting beliefs; living from fear; living in the matrix; trapped in the matrix; 3rd dimensional living
Example in a Sentence:
“He is living in his Beinghood.”
“When she is giving her gift, she is acting from her Beinghood.”
“His holistic live food lifestyle reflected a high level of Beinghood.”
“The love that comes from her eyes shows off her Beinghood.”
“Every day, I choose to live my life in the state of Beinghood.”
“Sometimes I fall out of Beinghood, and then I center myself to neutral and bring myself back into Beinghood.”
Related Phrases:
Being in your Beinghood; live the Beinghood lifestyle; the way of Beinghood
3. Stage of Development / Stage of Evolution:
(a) Individual Stage of Beinghood -
The developmental stage that is the consequence of a person having awoken to unity consciousness. A shift in perception from ground (matter) focus to field (void) focus. Consists of a choice for freedom and sovereignty, an awareness of being indivisibly One with all that is, a realization of the illusion of separation, a discovering of the truth beyond the matrix, a valuing of unconditional love, a prioritizing of self-awareness, a knowing that one is fully self responsible for one's own world and a proactive creation of synarchy and thrival in place of living by hierarchy, reaction and survival.
Awakened; enlightenment; self-actualization; Self-realization; Sovereign, taking full self-responsibility
Denial; the realm of duality; ignorance; maya; the realm of “3D”; third dimensional” consciousness, victim
Example in a Sentence:
“She woke up to the truth and stepped into her Beinghood.”
“After having a near death experience, he moved into his Beinghood.”
“Her choice for love in the moment really demonstrated she had fully matured into her Beinghood.”
“Beinghood follows egohood and victimhood, like adulthood follows childhood.”
"They were a group of people all in their Beinghood."
Related Phrases:
Awaking to one’s Beinghood; coming into one's Beinghood; stepping into your Beinghood; the individual stage of Beinghood
(b) Collective Stage of Beinghood -
The evolutionary stage after a critical mass of human beings have shifted their individual perception from ground-matter focus to field-void focus and collectively awoken to unity consciousness as a whole. At this stage of Beinghood, human society is now operating from co-creation, collaboration, co-operation, harmony, interdependence, pooling resources, stewardship with life, synarchy, unconditional love and unity consciousness.
sovereign society; the next stage of human evolution; the now age; the 5D era
consensus reality; conservativism, consumerism; cult of personality; modernism; technology age; traditionalism; 3rd dimensional reality
Example in a Sentence:
“We as a species are ready to move into our Beinghood.”
“Humanity is about to move into its Beinghood.”
“An enlightened society has entered the stage of Beinghood.”
“Imagine if New Yorkers all took the red pill and millions suddenly found themselves in the stage Beinghood, then New York would be in its Beinghood.”
Related Phrases:
Our collective Beinghood; the collective stage of Beinghood; the evolutionary stage of Beinghood
4. Group/Movement:
The community or network of people around the world who have all awoken into unity consciousness. It is a self-identified, organically forming, self-organizing group, based on principles of unity consciousness, unconditional love, sovereignty, self-responsibility, self-awareness and synarchy. It has momentum, is growing and is transforming the world by its very existence and the frequency that it is holding.
Core cultural creatives; the consciousness movement; the connection curve; the shift of the ages; the new energy
The mainstream; the default world; the dog eat dog world
Example in a Sentence:
“We are noticing a growing Beinghood of conscious awakened people.”
“The Beinghood are standing together in love.”
“The Beinghood practice conscious consumption.”
“The Beinghood are shifting the paradigm of reality.”
Related Phrases:
the Beinghood of Humanity; the Beinghood of Man; the Beinghood Movement; the Beinghood phenomenon; the Beinghood Shift
Word Etymology And History
1. the fact of existing; existence (as opposed to nonexistence).
2. conscious, mortal existence; life: Our being is as an instantaneous flash of light in the midst of eternal night.
3. substance or nature: of such a being as to arouse love.
4. something that exists: inanimate beings.
5. a living thing: strange, exotic beings that live in the depths of the sea.
6. a human being; person: the most beautiful being you could imagine.
7. ( initial capital letter ) [God][Being].
8. Philosophy .
a. absolute existence in a complete or perfect state, lacking no essential characteristic; essence.
1250–1300; Middle English; from be (q.v.) + -ing. Sense in human being is from 1751.
[hoo d]
A native English suffix denoting state, condition, character, nature, etc., or a body of persons of a particular character or class, formerly used in the formation of nouns childhood; likelihood; knighthood; priesthood, Beinghood.
Middle English -hode, -hod, Old English -hād (cognate with German -heit ), special use of hād condition, state, order, quality, rank
(Word Etymology And History based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2012.)
Copyright © 2012 by Tahnee Woolf & Allen David Reed
All rights reserved worldwide.
BEINGHOOD™ is a trademark and service mark of Society For Collective Awakening
and is protected under applicable U.S. and International laws.