The word "BEINGHOOD" is the missing piece
in the conscious evolution of Humanity.
in the conscious evolution of Humanity.
The common understanding is that evolution is something that happens “to us”, by default. However, this is inaccurate and we needn’t fall victim to it. We are Creator Beings, and as such have the capacity to guide our evolution through deliberate, conscious choice.
When we step into our BEINGHOOD, how we then choose to evolve as Humanity grows out of our tribe’s clear intentions as a harmonious, inter-dependent Tapestry.
This is our chosen path, our collective Will - that when we all take full responsibility individually, together we become a truly Self-organizing system.
BEINGHOOD is freedom.
BEINGHOOD is a stage of spiritual maturity; it is a State of enlightened Being; and it is a Movement – known as “The Beinghood” - that is becoming a groundswell all across the planet as we awaken to remember who we are as infinite, immortal BEINGS now here to have a human experience in this imaginal realm we call ‘life’.
As more and more heed their call to Beinghood, a planetary turning point becomes quickly reached. Now we can each know who our conscious, awake Brothers and Sisters are.
Thus BEINGHOOD is Humanity's next step as we take Self responsibility for our co-creation and stewardship with life - not over it - as we come to understand that all life is equal in Being. In this way, we listen and learn with humility, and have compassion, empathy and Heartfelt gratitude for all Creation.
The signs are all about us today. Congratulations to all of us in the BEINGHOOD on creating the world we’ve been waiting for!